Keyword filters in Social Media Platforms

I operate the Ya-native Social Media Network where it has reached over 11 million viewers in one week, so it is easier for me to observe daily changes in the facebook platforms. Facebook also updates particular servers with unique updates to observe how the public reacts. This is witnessed when you operate multiple profiles and pages.


About a year ago (June 2013), I remember viewing this ‘Idle No More’ protest on every facebook profile and page. It was a very popular subject with facebook fan pages sprouting up over night with over 1 million followers. Not to mention a multitude of other Social Media platforms. At one point, I ceased to promote ‘Idle No More’ because I could not compete. Pretty much, overnight they seem to disappear from the grid. I researched many of them and concluded that they were all losing public momentum in terms of facebook likes, comments and shares. I noticed similar effects on many pages. The facebook profiles seem to be effected in a different way.

The facebook profile’s new’s feeds are tailored to what the facebook operators want you to see. Basically, the only desired posts you see in your new’s feeds are from the pages that you’re constantly engaged with. At one point, many of our friends would see what we liked if they were online at that time–the good ole days … Now-a-days, it is tailored new’s feeds that has changed several times over the past year. Last year we were seeing what our friends were liking, then it was random likes by strangers, then it became random advertisements, then it became tailored advertisements based on the cookies left behind on your personal web queries. Now we see the highest paid advertisers. At one point we were seeing Pro-Keystone Pipeline Ads on facebook—WTF!!!

Here’s what I experienced with the Ya-Native Facebook Fanpage: prior to April 2014, the fan page had an average of 3 million visitors per week. I would post Native American related material, nothing to do with protests. In April, I started a ‘Stop the Pipeline Campaign’ and hosted it on my personal website, just in case facebook blocked the site. As soon as I posted links and pictures from my ‘Stop the Pipeline’ Campaign, I noticed an immediate drop from 3 million to 200 000 weekly viewers. At that time I removed any image description with any suspected keywords I could find that included, ‘oil‘, ‘idle no more‘, ‘environmental‘, ‘pipeline‘ and ‘tar sands‘. I witnessed an immediate steady incline back up to 1 million per week before I decided to try another test.

I posted the following link on the facebook fanpage to take note of the results:

I thought I was being all smart, tricking the keyword censors, but nope! My fan page stats halved over night. I ended up removing it to see if the stats climb again.



On a side note, I noticed substantial changes in stats on a multitude of different social media platforms such as, twitter, aol, google, youtube, just to name a few.

Try this:
1. Search on google about any type of protest and the results that are delivered to you are not the popular ones you expect, take note of the views and popularity. Noticed how the censors are working.
2. Search Youtube for ‘Idle No More’ and examine the results.




In conclusion, these facebook keyword filters seem to be automatic for pages and I have not been able to find any documentation at this juncture.
Facebook fan pages:
– Be aware of the keyword filters that monitor the text and links in the status descriptions.
– Publish your ‘message’ within images to bypass censorship filters.

Facebook profiles:
– keep liking, sharing and commenting on subjects you want to see more.
– take part in those drop-down menu’s and choose not to see those ads anymore.

I’ll let you know more after I do some more research.


Let me know what you think and if you’ve experienced similar symptoms.


Thanks for your time,





3 responses to “Keyword filters in Social Media Platforms

  1. Pingback: Internet News Filters | Retail Bandit

  2. Yes, I have noticed that my pages do not load and even disappear if I do not visit them often. I do remove the adds and crap that they try to put on my page. Thank you for sharing and confirming what I have been noticing.


Participation is key.